How to swap between versions of the TELEMAC system

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It is rather common to have more than one version of the TELEMAC system installed at the same time. Most developers will have at least the current stable and development versions installed at the same time. This article gives some hints on how to set up a system with concurrent versions alongside each other.

Using the steering file? NO!

In theory, the keyword RELEASES in the steering file can be used to swap between version of ESTEL. However, it is a very bad idea to do so. This is mainly because:

  • the script that lauchesESTEL needs a dictionnary and it will use the dictionnary of the version set by default in systel.ini, regardless of what you have used for RELEASES
  • ESTEL needs to be used with a particular set of libraries and this cannot be ensured if you change the RELEASES string. This is why it is recommended to not put the RELEASES keyword into your steering files, the default release numbers selected by the developers will be used instead... and they work.

The rest of this article shows how to reliably switch very quickly between version of ESTEL. The setup is a bit time consuming but after that, a single command is enough to switch (no messy editing of files etc...).


The TELEMAC system allows several configuration directories. By default, it looks for /path/to/systel90/config/. However, if the environment variable SYSTELCFGis set, it will use its value as the location of the configuration directory.

The method described in this article consists of creating a separate configuration folder for each version of the code. In each configuration folder, the systel.ini and cfgmak.mak files will point to a specific version of the code.

For instance, create a folder called /path/to/systel90/configv5p7. Inside this folder, copy a systel.ini file where the [GENERAL] section is tweaked for version v5p7 of the TELEMAC system. So basically, just set all the "VERS" variables to V5P7. Then set the SYSTELCFG variable to point to this folder, run cfgmak and recompile the whole TELEMAC system:

$ export SYSTELCFG=/path/to/systel90/configv5p7
$ cfgmak
File '/path/to/systel90/configv5p7/cfgmak.mak' updated.
$ build_systel -v v5p7 -p -c

You will have version v5p7 of the TELEMAC system compiled and configured. Try a few test cases to make sure. Note, in these test cases, make sure the RELEASES keyword is not used.

Then create a configv5p8 folder, edit the systel.ini file in this folder and do the same for v5p8:

$ export SYSTELCFG=/path/to/systel90/configv5p8
$ cfgmak
File '/path/to/systel90/configv5p8/cfgmak.mak' updated.
$ build_systel -v v5p8 -p -c

You will then have both v5p7 and v5p8 compiled and configured on your machine.

Switching between versions

Providing that the TELEMAC system is configured properly for each configuration directory, switching between versions is now trivial: just set SYSTELCFG to point to either configv5p7 or configv5p8!

To switch to version v5p7:

$ export SYSTELCFG=/path/to/systel90/configv5p7

To switch back to v5p8:

$ export SYSTELCFG=/path/to/systel90/configv5p7

Bash scripts

Actually, to automate the process even more, three scripts are provided in the /path/to/systel90/bin/ which export SYSTELCFG to $HOME/systel90/convigvxpy. This way, you can simply switch between versions by typing v5p7 or v5p8 at the command line:

$ v5p7
$ estel3d cas (-> will use ESTEL-3D v5p7)
$ v5p8
$ estel3d cas (-> will use ESTEL-3D v5p8)

Note, you might need to customize these scripts though...

In the future, these scripts will be extended to modify the HOSTNAME too so that you can switch between architectures. Be patient...

Full .bashrc file

The typical .bashrc for ESTEL contains some functions which provide extended functionality when used with the v5p7 and v5p7 scripts above, for instance to navigate quickly to the ESTEL folders.