GENIE Using NaturalDocs

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Here is a quick and simple example showing how you immediately get going using NaturalDocs:

MODULE mymodule
  ! File: mymodule.f90
  ! Description:
  ! A module containing some pretty useful stuff for use with widgets.

  ! var: koverall
  ! An important variable that I would like to document.

  integer :: koverall 

  !  Subroutine: Multiply
  !  Multiplies two integers.
  !  Input:
  !    x - The first integer.
  !    y - The second integer.
  ! Input/Output:   
  ! Output:
  !    z - The integer which results from the multiplication. 

  subroutine Multiply (x, y, z)

    integer, intent(in)  :: x
    integer, intent(in)  :: y
    integer, intent(out) :: z
    z = x * y

  end subroutine