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startingC: Learning the C Programming Language

svn co ./startingC

A Quintessential Start

OK, now that we have the example code, let's get cracking and run our first C program. First of all, move into the example directory:

cd startingC/examples/example1

We'll use of a Makefile for each example, so as to make the build process painless (hopefully!). All we need do is run make (see the [make tutorial about make] if you're interested in this further):


Now, we can run the classic program:


and you should get the friendly response:

hello, world!

Bingo! We've just surmounted the hardest step in way--running our first C program. Given this quantum leap, everything else will boil down to the consideration of details, really.


int char float double

short & long

sizeof() casting

enumerated types

The C Preprocessor

Loops & Conditionals

if then else

(switch) case (default - fall through)

while and for

break & continue

Functions & Header Files

Arrays & Pointers

address, dereference address arith 2d arrays binary trees and linked lists - just give examples


DAB again

watch out for padding