Using petsc

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!! solve a 2D n x n (a(x,y)u')' + b(x,y) u = c(x,y) 
!! with periodic boundary conditions in y, u(x=0,y) = 0 and u'(x=1,y)= d
!! a(x,y) = 1 for x < 1/2, h for x > 1/2
!! b(x,y) = 1 for x < 1/2, r for x > 1/2 
!! c(x,y) = 1 for x < 1/2, p for x > 1/2 

program main

  implicit none

#include "finclude/petsc.h"
#include "finclude/petscvec.h"
#include "finclude/petscmat.h"
#include "finclude/petscksp.h"
#include "finclude/petscpc.h"
  Mat A
  Vec x,b, res
  KSP ksp
  PetscInt ierr, ndof, n, m, i , j
  PetscScalar dfluxe(0:1), dfluxw(0:1), dfluxn(0:1), dfluxs(0:1), su(0:0), sc, &
       h, r, p , d, rnorm, bnorm, one
  PetscInt row(0:0), fcol(0:1)
  n = 256
  m = n/2
  ndof = n * n

  !x > 1/2 diffusion = h u'
  h = 1e-2
  !x > 1/2 dissipation = r u , set small r (1e-12) to have problems inverting the matrix
  !so that direct solvers win
  r = 1e-6
  !x > 1/2 source = p
  p = 0.5
  ! u' at x = 1
  d = 100

  ! this has to be the first petsc call 
  call PetscInitialize(PETSC_NULL_CHARACTER,ierr)

  ! alocate space for rhs, residual and solution
  call VecCreateSeq(PETSC_COMM_SELF, ndof, x, ierr);
  call VecCreateSeq(PETSC_COMM_SELF, ndof, b, ierr);
  call VecCreateSeq(PETSC_COMM_SELF, ndof, res, ierr);

  !Matrix assembly. I'm doing this in the church of PETSc style, which might
  !look a bit odd. If you already have arrays i,j,a in the CSR form, there is 
  !a single call, 
  ! call MatCreateSeqAIJWithArrays(PETSC_COMM_SELF, ndof, ndof , i, j, a, A, ierr)
  ! which would do the trick 
  ! m is the number of rows, n > m the number of nonzeros
  ! a(0:n-1) contains values and j(0:n-1) coulmn indices
  ! i(0:m) contains row pointers, e.g i(4) data for row 4 starts
  ! at a(i(4)) and finishes at  a(i(5)-1)
  ! create matrix A, allocating 5 nonzeros per row, this doesn't have to be exactly
  ! right, but if it is to small, there will be costly mallocs, and if too
  ! large, additional operations. There is a  variant which allows a per-row sparisity
  ! pattern to be set.
  call MatCreateSeqAIJ(PETSC_COMM_SELF, ndof, ndof, 5, PETSC_NULL_INTEGER,A,ierr)
  ! bulk
  dfluxw(0) = 1.0
  dfluxw(1) = -1.0
  su(0) = 1.0
  sc = 1.0

  do i = 1, n-2

     dfluxe(0) = dfluxw(0)
     dfluxe(1) = dfluxw(1)

     dfluxs(0) = 1.0
     dfluxs(1) = -1.0


     if (i > m) then
        su(0) = r
        sc = p
        dfluxw(0) = h
        dfluxw(1) = -h
        dfluxs(0) = h
        dfluxs(1) = -h
     dfluxn(0) = dfluxs(0)
     dfluxn(1) = dfluxs(1)
     do j = 1, n-2
        row(0) = j*n + i
        ! source term
        call MatSetValues(A, 1 ,row, 1, row, su, ADD_VALUES,ierr)
        call VecSetValue( b, row(0) , sc , INSERT_VALUES, ierr)

        ! fluxes
        fcol(0) = row(0)

        fcol(1) = row(0) + 1
        call MatSetValues(A, 1 ,row, 2, fcol, dfluxe, ADD_VALUES,ierr)
        fcol(1) = row(0) - 1
        call MatSetValues(A, 1 ,row, 2, fcol, dfluxw, ADD_VALUES,ierr)
        fcol(1) = row(0) + n
        call MatSetValues(A, 1 ,row, 2, fcol, dfluxn, ADD_VALUES,ierr)
        fcol(1) = row(0) - n
        call MatSetValues(A, 1 ,row, 2, fcol, dfluxs, ADD_VALUES,ierr)

     end do

     ! periodic boundaries
     j = 0
     row(0) = j*n + i
     ! source term
     call MatSetValues(A, 1 ,row, 1, row, su, ADD_VALUES,ierr)
     call VecSetValue( b, row(0) , sc , INSERT_VALUES, ierr)

     ! fluxes
     fcol(0) = row(0)

     fcol(1) = row(0) + 1
     call MatSetValues(A, 1 ,row, 2, fcol, dfluxe, ADD_VALUES,ierr)
     fcol(1) = row(0) - 1
     call MatSetValues(A, 1 ,row, 2, fcol, dfluxw, ADD_VALUES,ierr)
     fcol(1) = row(0) + n
     call MatSetValues(A, 1 ,row, 2, fcol, dfluxn, ADD_VALUES,ierr)
     fcol(1) = (n-1)*n + i
     call MatSetValues(A, 1 ,row, 2, fcol, dfluxs, ADD_VALUES,ierr)

     j = n-1
     row(0) = j*n + i
     ! source term
     call MatSetValues(A, 1 ,row, 1, row, su, ADD_VALUES,ierr)
     call VecSetValue( b, row(0) , sc , INSERT_VALUES, ierr)

     ! fluxes
     fcol(0) = row(0)

     fcol(1) = row(0) + 1
     call MatSetValues(A, 1 ,row, 2, fcol, dfluxe, ADD_VALUES,ierr)
     fcol(1) = row(0) - 1
     call MatSetValues(A, 1 ,row, 2, fcol, dfluxw, ADD_VALUES,ierr)
     fcol(1) = row(0) - n
     call MatSetValues(A, 1 ,row, 2, fcol, dfluxn, ADD_VALUES,ierr)
     fcol(1) = i
     call MatSetValues(A, 1 ,row, 2, fcol, dfluxs, ADD_VALUES,ierr)

  end do

  dfluxw(0) = h
  dfluxw(1) = -h

  do j = 0, n - 1
     i = 0
     row(0) = j*n + i
     call MatSetValues(A, 1 ,row, 1, row, su, ADD_VALUES,ierr)

     i = n - 1
     row(0) = j*n + i
     su = r
     sc = h*d
     call MatSetValues(A, 1 ,row, 1, row, su, ADD_VALUES,ierr)
     call VecSetValue( b, row(0) , sc , INSERT_VALUES, ierr)
     fcol(0) = row(0)
     fcol(1) = row(0) - 1
     call MatSetValues(A, 1 ,row, 2, fcol, dfluxw, ADD_VALUES,ierr) 

  end do

  !needs to be done before A can be used
  call MatAssemblyBegin(A,MAT_FINAL_ASSEMBLY,ierr)
  call MatAssemblyEnd(A,MAT_FINAL_ASSEMBLY,ierr)

  !KSP context: KSP is petsc's interface to linear solvers
  call KSPCreate(PETSC_COMM_SELF,ksp,ierr)

  !A is defines both the operator and preconditioner (but might not)
  call KSPSetOperators(ksp,A,A,DIFFERENT_NONZERO_PATTERN,ierr)

  !grab all the options from the command line
  call KSPSetFromOptions(ksp,ierr)

  ! solve
  call KSPSolve(ksp,b,x,ierr)

  !check results
  call MatMult(A, x, res, ierr)
  one = -1.0
  call VecAXPY(res , one , b, ierr)
  call VecNorm(res , NORM_2, rnorm, ierr) 
  call VecNorm(b , NORM_2, bnorm, ierr)
  write(*,*) "||Ax - b||/||b|| = ", rnorm/bnorm

  !clean up
   call VecDestroy(x,ierr)
   call VecDestroy(b,ierr)
   call MatDestroy(A,ierr)

  !last petsc call
  call PetscFinalize(ierr)

end program main